Les compétences et arbres de compétences dans Sekiro font référence à la progression du personnage, lorsqu'il investit des points de compétences dans les arbres en question, pour débloquer des arts de combats ou des techniques. Il y a 5 arbres de compétences dans Sekiro : Shadows Die Twice

Certaines compétences sont passives, ce qui signifie que leur effet devient permanent. Les autres compétences sont les Arts du Combat, que le joueur peut utiliser en appuyant sur L1 + R1 simultanément. En plus de ces compétences, il existe également des Techniques de Ninjutsu, qui peuvent être utilisées après avoir fait un coup mortel dans le dos de l'ennemi. Pour les utiliser, il faut alors appuyer sur R1. 

Il n'est possible d'équiper qu'un seul Art du Combat et une seule Technique de Ninjutsu à la fois.

  • Arts Shinobi
  • Arts des Ashina
  • Arts de prothèse
  • Arts du temple
  • Arts Mushin
  • Techniques Ninjutsu
  • Table comparative


Tous les arbres de compétences de Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

Obtenir des points de compétence

Les joueurs acquièrent des points de compétences en accumulant de l'Expérience, lorsque des ennemis ou des Boss sont vaincus. La quantité d'Expérience acquise dépend de votre "niveau" ainsi que de celui de l'ennemi vaincu. Pour plus d'informations, se référer à la page relative aux Points de compétences & Expérience. 

Dépenser des points de compétence

Les joueurs peuvent dépenser leurs points de compétences en se reposant aux Idoles du Sculpteur. Ces Idoles sont éparpillées à travers le monde, à la façon des feux de camps de Dark Souls : il est donc aisé de dépenser ses points. 

Est-il possible de réattribuer ses points ?

Malheureusement, ce n'est pas possible. Toutefois, en New Game Plus, les points ne sont pas réinitialisés et vous pouvez donc continuer à progresser dans les arbres et débloquer de nouvelles compétences.



Arbre de compétences - Arts de Shinobi

 L'arbre de compétences Shinobi permet de se spécialiser dans les techniques d'infiltration, et sera donc l'arbre principal pour les joueurs souhaitant éviter les confrontations directes pour frapper dans l'ombre. Toutefois, l'infiltration n'est pas vraiment utile contre les Boss : les joueurs devront aussi investir dans d'autres arbres de compétences.


  •  whirlwind_slash_icon_shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
    Taillade tourbillon
    • a_shinobis_karmaicon__shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
      Karma de shinobi : Corps
      • a_shinobis_karmaicon__shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Karma de shinobi : Esprit
      • breath_of_life_light_icon_shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Souffle de la vie - Lumière
      • mid_air_combat_arts_icon_shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Arts du combat aériens
        *reqs Déviation aérienne
    •  midair_deflection_icon_shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
      Déviation aérienne
      • mid_air_combat_arts_icon_shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Arts du combat aériens
        *reqs Karma de shinobi : Corps
        • shadowrush_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
          Charge de l'ombre

          *reqs Yeux de shinobi

  • mikiri_counter_icon_shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
    Contre Mikiri
    • run_and_slide_icon_shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
      Course et glissade
      • shinobi_eyes_icon_shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Yeux de shinobi

        *reqs Suppress Presence

        • shadowrush_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide

          *reqs Suppression de la présence

    • suppress_presence_icon_shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
      Suppression de la présence
      •  shinobi_eyes_icon_shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Yeux de shinobi

        *reqs Course et glissade

        • shadowrush_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
          Charge de l'ombre

          *reqs Arts du combat aérien

      • vault_over_icon_shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
      • suppress_sound_icon_shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Son étouffé


Arbre de compétences - Arts des Ashina

 L'arbre des Ashina se concentre sur les techniques de combat et d'escrime. C'est le meilleur arbre pour les joueurs qui veulent aborder les combats de manière frontale, et qui ne souhaitent pas jouer en utilisant l'infiltration. Puisqu'il est difficile de battre des boss en utilisant uniquement l'infiltration, investir quelques points dans cet arbre est recommandé pour tous les joueurs.


  • ichimonji_icon_ashina_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
    • descending_carp_icon_ashina_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
      Carpe plongeante
      • ichimonji_double_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Ichimonji : Double

        *reqs Carpe montante

        • ashina_cross_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
          Croix d'Ashina Cross

          *reqs Eau limpide

    • ascending_carp_icon_ashina_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
      Carpe montante
      • breath_of_nature_light_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Souffle de la Nature - Lumière
      • flowing_water_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Eau limpide
        • ashina_cross_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
          Croix d'Ashina

          *reqs Ichimonji : Double

      • ichimonji_double_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Ichimonji : Double

        *reqs Carpe plongeante

        • ashina_cross_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
          Croix d'Ashina

          *reqs Eau limpide


Arbre de compétences - Arts de Prothèse

 Les Arts de Prothèse sont un arbre qui se concentre sur l'utilisation des prothèses de Shinobi possédés par le joueur. Cela permet au joueur de modifier l'utilisation de certaines de ces armes pour les adapter à différents styles de jeu. Il est conseillé d'investir au moins quelques points dans cet arbre de compétences, qui permet tant le corps à corps que l'infiltration.



  • chasing_slice_icon_prosthetic_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
    Chasing Slice
    • fang_and_blade_icon_prosthetic_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
      Fang and Blade
      • projected_force_icon_prosthetic_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Projected Force
      • REQUIRES Mid-air Prosthetic Tool
    • midair_prosthetic_tool_icon_prosthetic_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
      Mid-air Prosthetic Tool
      • a_sculptors_karma_icon__shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Sculptor's Karma: Scars
      • a_sculptors_karma_icon__shinobi_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Sculptor's Karma: Blood
      • projected_force_icon_prosthetic_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Projected Force
      • REQUIRES Fang and Blade
        • living_force_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
          Living Force

          *reqs Nightjar Slash Reversal

  • grappling_hook_icon_attack_prosthetic_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
    Grappling Hook Attack
    • nightjar_slash_icon_prosthetic_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
      Nightjar Slash
      • nightjar_slash_reversal_icon_prosthetic_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Nightjar Slash Reversal

        *reqs Emma's Medicine: Potency

        • living_force_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
          Living Force

          *reqs Projected Force

    • emmas_medicine_potency_icon_prosthetic_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
      Emma's Medicine: Potency
      • nightjar_slash_reversal_icon_prosthetic_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Nightjar Slash Reversal

        *reqs Nightjar Slash

        • living_force_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
          Living Force

          *reqs Projected Force

      • emmas_medicine_aroma_icon_prosthetic_arts_skill_tree_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
        Emma's Medicine: Aroma


Arbre de compétences - Arts du Temple


The Temple Arts Skill Tree in Sekiro focuses on a set of moves and skills that the Monks of Senpou Temple use, providing Sekiro secret Martial Arts techniques. This skill tree is the only one that isn't provided by an NPC and is needed to be found by the player in Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo.



  • praying_strikes_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide
    Praying Strikes
    • virtuous_deeds_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide
      Virtuous Deed
      • most_virtuous_deeds_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide
        Most Virtuous Deed
      • senpou_leaping_kicks_sekiro_wiki_guide
        Senpou Leaping Kicks
        • high_monk_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide
          High Monk
    • praying_strikes_exorcism_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide
      Praying Strikes - Exorcism
      • devotion_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide


Arbre de compétences - Arts Mushin


The Mushin Arts Skill Tree in Sekiro focuses on unlocking a set of moves that are upgraded, and stronger versions of each tree's ultimate ability. Players will need to unlock prerequisite skills in order to gain the listed skills in the Mushin Arts Skill Tree - this can be obtained by completing a quest from Tengu of Ashina, upon unlocking any ultimate ability, he will provide you with the Mushin Esoteric Text that contains the skills of the Mushin Arts.



  • high_monk_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide
    High Monk
    • shadowfall_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide

      *reqs Shadowrush

  • shadowrush_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
    • shadowfall_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide

      *reqs High Monk

    • spiral_cloud_passage_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide
      Spiral Cloud Passage

      *reqs Ashina Cross

  • ashina_cross_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide
    Ashina Cross
    • spiral_cloud_passage_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide
      Spiral Cloud Passage

      *reqs Shadowrush

    • empowered_mortal_draw_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide
      Empowered Mortal Draw

      *reqs Living Force

  • living_force_icon_sekiro_shadows_die_twice_wiki_guide.png
    Living Force
    • empowered_mortal_draw_icon_sekiro_wiki_guide
      Empowered Mortal Draw

      *reqs Ashina Cross



Techniques Ninjutsu


The Ninjutsu Techniques in Sekiro focuses on a set of Shinobi skills that can be unlocked and equipped by the player as they progress the game. This type of technique allows Sekiro to perform a follow-up attack after performing a Backstab Deathblow - acquiring all three will reward the player with the “All Ninjutsu Techniques” trophy or achievement.


Bloodsmoke Ninjutsu


Puppeteer Ninjutsu


Bestowal Ninjutsu


Compétences de Sekiro

Cliquez sur l'entête pour changer l'ordre

Nom Arbre de compétence Effet Nombre de points de compétences nécessaires Prérequis
Ascending Carp Ashina Arts Increases the damage inflicted to Posture upon performing a successful Deflection. 2 Ichimonji
Ashina Cross Ashina Arts From a sheathed stance, draw the blade at high speed. 5 Flowing Water
Ichimonji: Double
Breath of Nature: Light Ashina Arts Recovers Posture upon executing a successful Deathblow. 2 Ascending Carp
Descending Carp Ashina Arts For a few seconds after deflection, increases damage to enemy posture from all sources. 1 Descending Carp
Flowing Water Ashina Arts Reduces the amount of damage to Posture when attacked by an enemy with a sword. 3 Ascending Carp
Ichimonji Ashina Arts Delivers a heavy, one-hit overhead sword strike. 2 Ashina Esoteric Text
Ichimonji: Double Ashina Arts Adds a follow-up overhead sword strike to Ichimonji. 3 Ascending Carp
Descending Carp
Empowered Mortal Draw Mushin Arts Draw additional power, resulting in a longer-ranged, more powerful slash attack. 5 Living Force
Ashina Cross
Shadowfall Mushin Arts After leaping into the skies with Shadowrush, allows one to perform a spinning sword attack as they descend. 6 High Monk
Spiral Cloud Passage Mushin Arts Unleashes shockwaves. 9 Shadowrush
Ashina Cross
Chasing Slice Prosthetic Arts Allows one to perform a forward-dashing sword slice after using a certain Prosthetic Tool/s. 1 Prosthetic Esoteric Text
Emma's Medicine: Aroma Prosthetic Arts Increases the healing effects of recovery items. 5 Emma's Medicine: Potency
Emma's Medicine: Potency Prosthetic Arts Increases the healing effects of recovery items. 4 Grappling Hook Attack
Fang and Blade Prosthetic Arts Allows one to attack with the tool and sword simultaneously after using a certain Prosthetic Tool/s. 2 Chasing Slice
Grappling Hook Attack Prosthetic Arts Uses the Grappling Hook to launch oneself at an enemy followed by a rolling sword attack. 1 Prosthetic Esoteric Text
Living Force Prosthetic Arts Perform a follow-up attack with certain tools that imbues the sword with the tool's effect. 4 Projected Force
Nightjar Slash Reversal
Mid-air Prosthetic Tool Prosthetic Arts Enables the use of Prosthetic Tools while in mid-air. 3 Chasing Slice
Nightjar Slash Prosthetic Arts A spinning leap attack that can quickly close or create distance from foes. 2 Grappling Hook Attack
Nightjar Slash Reversal Prosthetic Arts A spinning leap attack that can quickly close or create distance from foes
while deciding which direction to rotate in when performing this skill.
3 Nightjar Slash
Emma's Medicine: Potency
Projected Force Prosthetic Arts Allows one to draw the power of that Tool into the sword and release it in a forward
direction after using a certain Prosthetic Tool/s.
1 Fang and Blade
Mid-air Prosthetic Tool
Sculptor's Karma: Blood Prosthetic Arts Increases the amount of Spirit Emblems that can be held. 2 Mid-air Prosthetic Tool
Sculptor's Karma: Scars Prosthetic Arts Greatly Increases the amount of Spirit Emblems that can be held. 3 Mid-air Prosthetic Tool
A Shinobi's Karma: Body Shinobi Arts Increases the amount of Spirit Emblems that can be held. 2 Whirlwind Slash
A Shinobi's Karma: Mind Shinobi Arts Greatly increases the amount of Spirit Emblems that can be held. 3 A Shinobi's Karma: Body
Breath of Life: Light Shinobi Arts Recovers Vitality upon performing a successful Deathblow. 5 A Shinobi's Karma: Body
Mid-air Combat Arts Shinobi Arts Allows one to perform Combat Arts while in mid-air. 3 A Shinobi's Karma: Body
Mid-air Deflection Shinobi Arts Allows one to guard against or deflect enemy attacks in mid-air. 1 Whirlwind Slash
Mikiri Counter Shinobi Arts Enables one to counter an enemy's thrust attack and dealing a large amount
of damage to their Posture.
2 Shinobi Esoteric Text
Run and Slide Shinobi Arts Allows one to slide into a crouched position while sprinting. 1 Mikiri Counter
Shadowrush Shinobi Arts Unleash a long-range, powerful thrust. 6 Shinobi Eyes
Mid-air Combat Arts
Shinobi Eyes Shinobi Arts Increases the damage inflicted to Posture upon executing a successful Mikiri counter. 3 Run and Slide
Suppress Presence
Suppress Presence Shinobi Arts Reduces an enemy's ability to perceive those who are in stealth. 2 Mikiri Counter
Suppress Sound Shinobi Arts Suppresses movement noise by inhibiting an enemy's ability to hear it. 3 Suppress Presence
Vault Over Shinobi Arts Allows one to leap over and behind a Posture-broken enemy. 2 Suppress Presence
Whirlwind Slash Shinobi Arts A spinning attack that can hit several enemies at once. 1 Shinobi Esoteric Text
Devotion Temple Arts Increases the amount of time a Buddhist Candy is effective when used. 3 Praying Strikes - Exorcism
High Monk Temple Arts Adds sword slashes and additional kicks to Senpou Leaping Kick. 4 Senpou Leaping Kicks
Most Virtuous Deed Temple Arts Improves the amount of sen obtained and improves item drop rates. 4 Virtuous Deed
Praying Strikes Temple Arts Unleash a flurry of quick attacks that inflict damage while preventing a counterattack. 2 Senpou Esoteric Text
Praying Strikes - Exorcism Temple Arts Adds a finishing attack to Praying Strikes. 3 Praying Strikes
Senpou Leaping Kicks Temple Arts Allows one to start an attack with a leaping kick. 3 Virtuous Deed
Virtuous Deed Temple Arts Improves the amount of sen obtained and improves item drop rates. 3 Praying Strikes
A Beast's Karma - Increases the amount of Spirit Emblems that can be held. - Defeat the Sakura Bull of the Palace
Breath of Life: Shadow - Recovers Vitality upon performing a successful Deathblow. - Defeat O'Rin of the Water
Breath of Nature: Shadow - Recovers Posture upon performing a successful Deathblow. - Defeat the Armored Warrior
Dragon Flash - Perform a high-speed cut from a sheathed stance. - Defeat Isshin, The Sword Saint
Mibu Breathing Technique - Allows one to dive underwater, as well as breathe underwater indefinitely. - Defeat the Corrupted Monk at Mibu Village
One Mind - Unleashes a storm of attacks from a sheathed stance. - Defeat Isshin Ashina
Shinobi Medicine Rank 1 - Increases the healing effect of recovery items. - Defeat the Chained Ogre atAshina Outskirts
Shinobi Medicine Rank 2 - Increases the healing effect of recovery items. - Defeat the Blazing Bull
Shinobi Medicine Rank 3 - Increases the healing effect of recovery items. - Defeat the Chained Ogre atAshina Castle
Anti Air Death Blow - Allows to perform a deathblow on some enemies when they are in mid-air. - Buy the Text from Blackhat Badger
Floating Passage - Combat Art that unleashes repeated attacks, overwhelming enemies with flowing, dance-like movements. - Buy from Pot Noble Harunaga for 5 Treasure Carp Scales

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